Debbie Harry playboy bunny
"That picture above is a young Debbie Harry as a Playboy Club Bunny. She's pretty hot, right? It looks like she's got some ample and squishy boobage under that satin. So can you believe that Hef and his minions said, "Sure, you're sexy enough to serve us a couple of brandy alexanders, but we surely wouldn't want to see her naked. How gross."
In an exclusive interview with Steppin Out's Chaunce Hayden, Debbie Harry revealed that although Playboy thought she was fit to be a bunny, she wasn't thick enough to be a Playmate.
Back in the day, having a beautiful body meant having a little cushion for the pushin'. By today's standards, the young Debbie could've absolutely been a Playmate. Clearly, father time has paid a visit to the rocker. So chances are that Playboy isn't going to come a knockin'. Debbie has only one thing to say to Playboy, "You missed the boat."
Pois então, a rejeitada Deb, que só servia pra ser coelhinha garçonete de bar na mansão do playboy Heffner; se cansou de tudo isso, e revolucionou-se. Platinou o cabelo e começou a frequentar mais e mais o CBGB Club, onde encontrou seus pares. Depois de uma banda de garotas mal sucedida, ela arranjou um gatinho guitarrista- Chris Stein -e formou o Blondie.
O resto é história.
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Lindo! Não sabia que a Blondie tinha sido coelha!
E viva la revolucion...
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